In March this year, the company delivered an AFC and associated equipment to Consol Energy’s, McElroy Mine in West Virginia. The delivery is the second delivery and second such system manufactured by Longwall Associates for the mine.
The first system, manufactured entirely in the USA, was delivered in 2002. The second system has been commissioned and is operating at full capacity. This system comprises 3,500 ton per hour AFC, toe riding 1000 x 1750 cast sigma pan line with 400 ton connectors, Super Gear Rack Shearer Haulage system, Longwall Associates bi-directional flight bars, and 4,500 tph stage loader.
The entire package was completely manufactured in the USA.
In May, Longwall Associates made their second 2003 delivery to Consol’s Blacksville No. 2 mine in West Virginia.
This system includes AFC in excess of 3,500 TPH, 1000 x 1750 cast sigma pan line, pan riding with 400 ton connectors, and Longwall Associates bi-directional flight bars.
Longwall Associates displayed a Blacksville No. 2 inspection pan at the June Longwall USA 2003 exhibition in Pittsburgh, PA.
“The inspection pan displayed was proudly manufactured in the USA, for Blacksville’s first system,” Longwall Associates said.