European course scatters students worldwide

THE European Mining Course (EMC) this month will celebrate 10 years of successfully training and ...

Staff Reporter
European course scatters students worldwide

When the European Mining Course (EMC) started in 1996 just eight students participated. Ten years later more than 310 students have completed the programs and now work in all parts of the world.

Organised through the Federation of European Mining and Mineral Education Programs (FEMP) the program grew to offer three options, in which nine universities in seven countries work together. Some 50 students with 12 different nationalities now partake in the course which is supported by 30 major companies.

FEMP is holding its sixth annual meeting at DSK in Bottrop, Germany on 25 and 26 November. Besides 50 students and some 50 alumni representatives of 25 international companies as well as some 25 representatives of the academia are expected.

Highlights of the meeting include a presentation by Dr. Bernd Tönjes, CEO of Deutsche Steinkohle and Wolfgang Traud and manager of production control at DSK, on the company’s vision for future technical strategy.

This unique international educational program for students of mining, mineral and geotechnical engineering in Europe is organised by the Technical Universities of Aachen, Berlin and Freiberg (Germany), Delft (the Netherlands), Helsinki (Finland), Camborne (England), Wroclaw (Poland), Kosice (Slovakia) and Miskolc (Hungary).

Students of the participating universities form groups during an eight months period. Each group of 15-20 students stays two months in 4-5 universities to follow courses in either mining, mineral engineering or geotechnical engineering. The programs also include exchange students from Canada, USA, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia and Spain.

Current members of FEMP are: AKZO-Nobel Salt, Anglo American, Atlas Copco, Barrick Gold Corporation, Boart Longyear, BHP-Billiton, Caterpillar, Corus, DSM-Energy, Euromines, Falconbridge, SlovenskÉ Magnezitové Závody, Hornonitrianske Bane Prievidza, IHC, Kali Und Salz, KGHM, Larox, Metso, Minera Alumbrera, Outokumpu, RAG, Resource Capital Funds, RWE Power, Rio Tinto, Tamrock, Umicore, Walter Beckers, Wirtschafstvereinigung Bergbau, Xstrata and Zinifex.

Further information can be obtained from: Hans de Ruiter, course director,


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