A total of six competitions are scheduled throughout the month on points across the nation’s map.
First on the list is the Governor’s Cup Mine Rescue and Preshift Contest, which will take place in Claypool Hill, Virginia on June 1.
Just a few days after the eastern US teams embark on their quest, the west will have its time with the Colorado Coal Association’s Mine Rescue/First Aid/Bench and Preshift competition. Both BG-4 and Biopak will be part of that event, scheduled for June 4-8 in Paonia.
Overlapping the end of the Colorado event will be a Midwest match, the Indiana Mine Rescue, Biopak Bench and Preshift contest. It is to be held in Vincennes, Indiana on June 6 and 7.
The Tri-State Post 6, Ohio Valley Mine Rescue, First Aid, Bench and Preshift event will begin the following week, with St. Clairsville, Ohio hosting teams from June 12 to 14. BG-174A and BG-4 will encompass the bench competition.
Manchester, Kentucky is the location of the fifth June event, the Manchester Safety Days Mine Rescue, Bench, First Aid and Preshift contest. It is scheduled for June 19-21.
Finally, just north of the MSHA Academy in Beaver, West Virginia, the Southern West Virginia Mine Rescue competition will take place in Beckley from June 19-21. It will include mine rescue, first aid, bench, preshift and electrical troubleshooting.
For more information on the June mine rescue matches or to see a full schedule of those taking place throughout 2007, visit the MSHA web site at www.msha.gov