The modelling, undertaken by geological consultants SRK Consulting, has so far found the Gemini seam in two of the three holes.
The Belview Project is located approximately 4 kilometres east of the historic Leichhardt mine, where the Gemini seam of prime coking coal was mined underground by BHP in the 1960s to 1980s.
The positive drilling results also confirmed the presence of the Aries seam, which was intersected in all three holes with a seam thickness ranging from 2m to 3.5m.
The Aries and Gemini seams have been popular finds throughout the Bowen Basin area, with Blackwater, South Blackwater and Curragh open pit mine all confirming their presence.
Laboratory testing of the drill core samples is underway to confirm potential properties of the seams.
Managing director Nick Jorss said the positive results bring the company one step closer to establishing a JORC-compliant resource later on in the year.
“We are extremely pleased to confirm the presence of a 6 metre coal seam and validate our exploration model,” Jorss said.
“Our ongoing drilling is designed to confirm coal quality, seam thickness, depth and continuity throughout the western part of the project with the aim of defining a JORC Inferred Resource in the third quarter of this year.”