NSW Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue NSW, and mine emergency response teams attended the grass fire, which caught alight on Sunday evening.
Twelve units attended, including crews from the Wybong, Mangoola, McCullys Gap, Kayuga, and Edinglassie brigades, according to local NSW RFS Inspector Steve Brown.
The NSW Resources Regulator participated in a briefing held last week by the NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Police and other Emergency Service agencies regarding conditions forecast over the Hunter Region over the weekend.
NSW Rural Fire Service in the Hunter region has boosted firefighting resources including additional aircraft, which were dispatched to all reports of fire along with ground crews.
The RFS requested mine operators consider limiting access to remote areas of open cut mines to essential activities and a reliable method of contact or communication be established during the bushfire danger period.
“The RFS may require access to water sources at mines, and may seek assistance regarding this during firefighting efforts,” MineSafety said.