Pumping of residual water from the longwall area continued, the company said in a statement.
“A detailed assessment process has commenced as part of the recovery program,” it said.
“Suppliers have been engaged to support an assessment of the longwall equipment condition. It is expected that this process will require several weeks to complete after which time the company will be able to ascertain the full impact and implications of the water inundation.”
On March 7 water from an unknown source entered a new longwall production panel at Cook and inundated the equipment.
The inundation caused all underground production to be halted.
No employees or contractors were injured.
Cook’s protocols to prevent an event of this nature, implemented prior to the start of longwall production, included drilling to confirm the location of old mine workings, the drainage of water from these drill holes, routine water monitoring, establishment of a precautionary control zone, inspections to identify inundation warning signs, training of coal mine workers and the installation of dewatering facilities.
Historic mine records showed no flooded upper seam workings immediately above or adjacent to the current longwall panel.