The project application area encompasses the coal measures and three seams currently mined at Myuna – the Wallarah, Great Northern and Fassifern coal seams – with the mining layout to be determined during detailed mine planning, taking into consideration the constraints established to ensure mine safety.
The mining system will include multiple-seam mining – first workings or non-caving partial pillar extraction systems where multiple seams are to be mined; and single-seam mining – first workings, partial pillar extraction or wide panel full extraction.
The design will address the various mine constraints which are specified in mining leases, including the high water level subsidence control zone, the notification area of Eraring Ash Dam, 40 metres of solid rock head and the coal pillar factor of safety.
Centennial is also seeking project approval for the continued operation of the surface facilities area.
All existing infrastructure located at the surface facilities area and existing mining areas, including existing underground workings for ventilation, will continue to be utilised for the project, including, but not limited to, mine access, emergency management, underground services and infrastructure, and the use of the Eraring Energy-owned enclosed overland conveyor to transport coal to Eraring Power Station.
As such, no changes are proposed to the current mine access, infrastructure or mine facilities.
Minor changes to the licensed discharge point configuration and temporary coal stockpile area, involving minor clean water diversion works, will be required to improve water management at the surface facilities area.
Myuna colliery’s existing environmental management system will be revised and updated for the proposed project as required to ensure ongoing effectiveness.