The company said Wednesday that no one was injured at Zigmond Processing, the replacement plant for the Bandmill facility in Logan County which burned down on August 27, 2009. It expects all losses to be covered by insurance.
Officials from the state office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training told ILN that no workers were onsite at the time of the incident.
Zigmond was still in the construction phase. The contractor managing the work has not yet determined the cause of the fire, Massey said.
While the producer had previously stated that the new plant is expected to be fully operational by mid-September, that timeframe has been adjusted to December 1.
“Shipments from the direct ship loadout are still expected to begin during the first half of August 2010,” officials noted, adding that the company did not expect the incident to have any impact on its projected shipments.
Massey Energy announced the planned opening of Zigmond in May. The heavy media vessel, heavy cyclone, spiral and froth flotation facility will have a 1200 ton per hour processing facility and serve four underground metallurgical mines and two surface steam coal operations.
All of the mines Zigmond will serve are part of Massey’s Logan County resource group.
“Zigmond Processing will be a state-of-the-art preparation plant,” a spokesperson said at the time, noting that the facility will also feature a new batch-weigh flood loadout capable of loading 15,000 ton trains in four hours.”