In a release on Monday the company said when one of the dedicated reclaiming machines (RL1) was being moved and positioned in readiness to commence reclaiming coal for shipment, an incident occurred which caused the machine to derail. The resulting forces caused the machine’s reclaiming boom to collapse.
The machine operator, an employee of DBCT Pty Limited (the Terminal Operator), suffered serious but non life-threatening injuries.
The Terminal Operator is currently assessing potential operational alterations to the
stockyard configuration to alleviate any detrimental effect on shiploading and Prime Infrastructure will keep the market informed on this aspect when it receives the advice of the Terminal Operator.
Prime Infrastructure said currently, in view of mine supply problems at some of the DBCT customer mines, DBCT is operating at a throughput level significantly below its nameplate (i.e. selfrated) capacity.
DBCT is equipped with 8 yard machines. Only 6 machines are employed in the operation at any one time although RL1 is employed in the important ‘cargo assembly’ area of the stockyard.