The second annual Western States Coal Mine Methane Recovery and Use Workshop is sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency's Methane Outreach Program and Raven Ridge Resources, and will be held September 26-27 in Grand Junction, Colorado.
The first day of the workshop will feature a presentation by Colorado state representative Bernie Buescher on natural resources development in Western Colorado, titled Boom and Bust No More.
Also on day one, Mike Peacock from Mountain Coal Company will discuss degasification methods at Mountain Coal Company’s West Elk Mine.
Ozgen Karacan from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health will present on recent NIOSH longwall gob gas reservoir modelling and associated field characterisation studies.
Jeff Schwoebel from REI Drilling will discuss the applications of current coal bed methane (CBM) technology for enhanced CMM drainage and Target Drilling’s Gary DuBois will speak on how long boreholes maximise longwall dimensions.
Later in the day Tom Breheny from UK Coal will present on CMM utilisation and flaring in the UK, while Desty Dyer from the US Bureau of Land Management and Ryan Taylor from the US Forest Service will talk about methane leasing on federal lands.
Robert Bassett from Holland & Hart will then speak on legal conflicts between coal and CBM development, followed by Bill Knepp from the US Mine Safety and Health Administration discussing MSHA’s role in underground CMM drainage.
On day two, Vince Matthews from Colorado Geological Survey will present on the importance of Colorado's CMM potential in a globally tightening market for natural resources.
Steve Hennings from Questa Engineering will then provide a petroleum industry approach to CMM planning, followed by Clark Butts from BCCK Engineering who will discuss nitrogen removal technology.
Joe Catina from Ingersoll Rand will speak on reduced emissions and beneficial use of CMM using microturbine power generation, while Spike Schonthal from Chicago Climate Exchange will give an introduction to the Chicago Climate Exchange and its focus on CMM. Nicole Zandoli from Clear Energy LLC will then talk about CMM and the challenges and opportunities of renewable energy markets.
The day will be wrapped up by Dave Schnaars from Solar Turbines who will discuss the application of gas turbines on CMM, followed by Alexander Hoffmann from GE Jenbacher talking about critical interfaces and technical limits for a reliable utilisation of CMM in reciprocating engines.
For more information and a complete agenda, please visit or contact Charlee Bergamo at or +1(970) 245-4088.