The facility, operated by Cliffs’ Logan County Coal subsidiary, received a Certificate of Achievement in Safety as part of the US Mine Safety and Health Administration’s Sentinels of Safety program.
“This is a significant honor for Cliffs Logan County Coal and the Elklick Tipple,” vice president of operations Carl Mullins said.
“It reflects both Cliffs’ focus on safety, as well as the dedication and effort that the Elklick Tipple employees put into working safely and maintaining a safe work environment.”
Mullins went on to personally thank the crew that worked to make the honor possible, including loadout manager Vergil Williamson Jr, Shannon Alger, Ernest Bevins, Carey Blair Jr, Calvin Cook, Robert Grimmett, Gordon Hale, Doug Hatfield Jr, William Lively, Roger Malcomb, Stephen Mauk, Roland Morris, Terry Murphy, Jerry Queen, John Short, Chris Thomas, Michael Toler and Keith Thacker.
Other Cliffs operations were also eligible for Sentinels of Safety awards, including the Empire Mine plant; the Concord plant in Oak Grove, Alabama; and Green Ridge No. 1 and No. 2 in Pinnacle, West Viginia.
MSHA bestows Certificates of Achievement in Safety to US mines and facilities that meet award criteria; these factors include zero days of restricted work activity, no lost days due to injury and no accidents resulting in permanent disabilities or fatalities during the prior calendar year.